Wednesday 30 October 2013

Social media Giants FACEBOOK Set out to Acquire Blackberry!!!

According to The Wall Street Journal, Facebook is the latest company to kick the tires at the beleaguered smartphone maker, and execs from the two companies met in California last week to discuss a possible deal.

On the surface, there’s some logic to the idea of a Facebook-BlackBerry tie-up. Facebook certainly has pockets deep enough to afford an asking price of over $4 billion. And Facebook’s future is tied inextricably to the mobile universe, where it has over 800 million users and brings in 41 percent of its ad revenue. Having its own mobile platform would guarantee Facebook’s ability to promote its wares in the event that Google, Apple, or Microsoft decided they didn’t want to prominently feature Facebook on their devices. And, given the way the battle royale between Apple and Google over iOS played out, those concerns may not be entirely far-fetched.

However, with very few mobile players other than Apple and Samsung actually making anything selling handsets, and with Google continuing to lose money on Motorola, taking over a device manufacturer — particularly one that seems to be in a permanent tailspin — seems like a losing battle. At least in Nokia, Microsoft will get a company that has seen its sales tick upward in its most recent quarter. For $4 billion, Facebook would get the Z10 and a company that’s losing a billion dollars a quarter – and potentially risk losing fans among Android, iOS and Windows Phone manufacturers.

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