Thursday 31 October 2013

ACP Defended by the NPF Stating that he Didn't Fondle with the Lady’s Breast!!!

An assistant commissioner of police has just been defended by The Nigeria Police on a photo scandal; they described the photograph as being a handy work of the popular photo editing software called Photoshop. The image above shows a senior police officer in the act of fondling the breast of an unknown light complexioned lady and all they had to say was that the image was a mere fake. It’s said that the picture, which went viral on the Internet, was deliberately fabricated with the aid of Adobe Photoshop technology to mislead the public.
The alleged amorous scene, the police authorities claimed, did not take place and the officer had nothing to do with the woman.

The police said it arrived at this conclusion after interrogating the policeman, who was seen in the type of uniform worn by officers of the rank of Assistant Commissioner of Police.

On the official Facebook page of the police, the affected police officer was quoted as saying, “I don’t know this lady. I never took the picture with her.”
However, the authorities did not name the police officer nor give the details of the command where he is serving. They also added this statement:

 “An image showing one of our officers in a compromising position with a lady has gone viral. Please check the hands in the so-called picture that is in circulation and you will agree that they were photo-shopped.
“Other citizens of this country are encouraged to pose for snapshots with our uniformed officers if they so desire, just as it is done worldwide. What we discourage is public display of affection by our uniformed officers,” it said.

After it appeared online, the controversial photograph provoked widespread condemnation from many Nigerians who have described the development as an act of indiscipline.
Claiming to be policemen, some people wrote on the police Facebook page that the photograph was the handy work of mischief makers, who were clearly determined to drag the name of the security agency in mud.
They said that no uniformed officer of the rank of ACP would be so careless as to pose for a photograph in such a compromising position with a lady.

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