Thursday 31 October 2013

ACP Defended by the NPF Stating that he Didn't Fondle with the Lady’s Breast!!!

An assistant commissioner of police has just been defended by The Nigeria Police on a photo scandal; they described the photograph as being a handy work of the popular photo editing software called Photoshop. The image above shows a senior police officer in the act of fondling the breast of an unknown light complexioned lady and all they had to say was that the image was a mere fake. It’s said that the picture, which went viral on the Internet, was deliberately fabricated with the aid of Adobe Photoshop technology to mislead the public.
The alleged amorous scene, the police authorities claimed, did not take place and the officer had nothing to do with the woman.

The police said it arrived at this conclusion after interrogating the policeman, who was seen in the type of uniform worn by officers of the rank of Assistant Commissioner of Police.

On the official Facebook page of the police, the affected police officer was quoted as saying, “I don’t know this lady. I never took the picture with her.”
However, the authorities did not name the police officer nor give the details of the command where he is serving. They also added this statement:

 “An image showing one of our officers in a compromising position with a lady has gone viral. Please check the hands in the so-called picture that is in circulation and you will agree that they were photo-shopped.
“Other citizens of this country are encouraged to pose for snapshots with our uniformed officers if they so desire, just as it is done worldwide. What we discourage is public display of affection by our uniformed officers,” it said.

After it appeared online, the controversial photograph provoked widespread condemnation from many Nigerians who have described the development as an act of indiscipline.
Claiming to be policemen, some people wrote on the police Facebook page that the photograph was the handy work of mischief makers, who were clearly determined to drag the name of the security agency in mud.
They said that no uniformed officer of the rank of ACP would be so careless as to pose for a photograph in such a compromising position with a lady.

SHOCKING: FAAN Purchases 4 ARMORED Cars for Stella Oduah and MD

Yesterday being Wednesday, The Chairman, Senate Committee on Aviation, Hope Uzodinma, said that the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) purchased a total of two armored for Aviation minister, Stella Oduah and another two for its Managing Director, George Uriesi.

Mr. Uzodinma spoke to newsmen on the sidelines of the investigation into the purchase of two armored vehicles by the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) for Aviation Minister Oduah.

He said that FAAN Managing Director, Mr. Uriesi, told the committee on oath that his agency purchased 202 operational cars and two bullet-proofs cars for the office of the managing director.

 “The managing director of FAAN said they did a funding arrangement with a commercial bank,’’ he said.
Senator Uzodinma, who said investigations were still ongoing, promised that the committee was committed to undertaking a holistic probe to ensure that all anomalies were corrected to reposition the sector.

.Mr. Uriesi told the committee that the vehicles included two Lexus Limousine cars and two Prado jeeps.
He said that contrary to insinuations, the limousines were purchased at the cost N60 million each and not N70 million.
Mr. Uriesi, who said that he did not have details of the cost of the Prado jeeps, however, said the vehicles were still in the custody of the bankers which funded the purchase.

The committee ordered the managing director to appear before it on Nov. 4, with comprehensive details of the transaction and the documents for all the purchases.

Why all this controversies? They haven’t even defended the previous purchase of two armored cars for the aviation minister by the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority which gulped a whooping sum of N255 million.

Women Show Support for Nigeria's Aviation minister Stella Oduah at the Federal Secretariat Abuja

This morning a small group of women gathered at the Federal Secretariat in Abuja to show support for the embattled minister of Aviation, Ms Stella Oduah. The women carried placards which read ‘Leave Stella Oduah Alone’. 

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Social media Giants FACEBOOK Set out to Acquire Blackberry!!!

According to The Wall Street Journal, Facebook is the latest company to kick the tires at the beleaguered smartphone maker, and execs from the two companies met in California last week to discuss a possible deal.

On the surface, there’s some logic to the idea of a Facebook-BlackBerry tie-up. Facebook certainly has pockets deep enough to afford an asking price of over $4 billion. And Facebook’s future is tied inextricably to the mobile universe, where it has over 800 million users and brings in 41 percent of its ad revenue. Having its own mobile platform would guarantee Facebook’s ability to promote its wares in the event that Google, Apple, or Microsoft decided they didn’t want to prominently feature Facebook on their devices. And, given the way the battle royale between Apple and Google over iOS played out, those concerns may not be entirely far-fetched.

However, with very few mobile players other than Apple and Samsung actually making anything selling handsets, and with Google continuing to lose money on Motorola, taking over a device manufacturer — particularly one that seems to be in a permanent tailspin — seems like a losing battle. At least in Nokia, Microsoft will get a company that has seen its sales tick upward in its most recent quarter. For $4 billion, Facebook would get the Z10 and a company that’s losing a billion dollars a quarter – and potentially risk losing fans among Android, iOS and Windows Phone manufacturers.

OJB JEZREEL Has been finally discharged from the Hospital and he shows gratitude to Fans for support.

Finally OJB has been discharged from a hospital in India after a very successful kidney transplant. He sent out a release thanking everyone and said he will be home very soon.

 Dear fellow Nigerians,
Greetings from far away India! I am sure this note from me will catch you with a little surprise. I have been reading a lot of news about me being published on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and different blogs by my good friends. I thought I must take out a quick moment and let you know that I am officially discharged today from the hospital, after a successful Kidney Transplantation Surgery, by God’s Grace.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all Nigerians for your prayers and good wishes, without which all this would not have been possible. I also take this opportunity to thank my friends, fans and family for all the love, prayers and good wishes for a Speedy Recovery!! Be home with you soon…….
Thank you once again sincerely,
Your very own OJB Jezreel.

World's Most Powerful List of Individuals has just been released by FORBES!!! (SEE)

The world’s most powerful list of individuals has just been released by forbes, and I think there is an error in this list because Russian president Vladamir putin is one step ahead of Barack Obama. They also stated that our dear Aliko Dangote is even more powerful than President Goodluck Jonathan as he was placed 64th in the most powerful list. Where is Jonathan in the list?

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Here is the Proud Winner of the Zimbabwe's Mr UGLY competition!!!

William Masvinhu once again walked away with the title of the ugliest man in Harare on Friday night at the City Sports Bar, reports that:.
      The competition which pits a group of ‘aesthetically challenged’ men against each other in a contest to win the title of ‘Mr. Ugly Harare’ was first held in 2011 and although it received a lot of criticism at the time it has since gained more popularity.

This year the participants were reportedly rewarded with overalls, safety shoes and rain coats; the first runner up, Benny Chakanyuka also received US$100 while the second runner up Funny Musekiwa walked away with US$50 and groceries.

Along with the crown and prize money, the grand prize winner also won a year’s school fees for one of his children, a prize his wife was very happy about.

Speaking to about the preparation process he went for the contests, Masvinu said no preparation was needed because it all came naturally for him.

“My ugliness comes naturally to me and although I did a bit to prepare for the show, I let them do the rest,” he was quoted saying.

“A bit of choreography together with his funny clothing helped him on stage but it was all minimum effort,” his manager, Michael Gundo, said.

   Well in my own point of view this guy reminds me of ....MR IBU, lol

Mysterious Looking Hooded men Spotted at Chelsea Stadium (Stamford Bridge)

11 Scary looking men in black robes caused a bit of stir at Chelsea's Stamford Bridge two days ago which was Sunday October 27th during the Chelsea vs Manchester City clash which ended 2-1. reports that the hooded men, who had mysterious circles on their chest, were seen making curious synchronized movements at irregular intervals during Chelsea's 2-1 win, while they also stood in unison at random moments.They were Sited three rows back from the corner flag at the Shed End, the gang could be clearly seen on TV cameras beaming pictures of the crunch fixture all across the world.

One Chelsea fan sat close to the mysterious guests was Robin Taylor, who said afterwards that he was slightly perturbed by their presence.

"We're used to a few different characters down at Chelsea, there was once even a guy brushing his teeth behind the bench at a game, but we've had nothing quite like this before," he said. 

Kenyan Women cry-out for Justice against Rapists

A million angry campaigners have signed a petition demanding justice after three men accused of brutally gang-raping a Kenyan school girl were ordered to cut grass as punishment.

The brutal attack on the girl and lack of action towards those who carried it out has sparked outrage in the country. The girl is now on wheelchairs with a broken back, and this was caused either by the beating or by being hurled down into the pit, she also suffered serious internal injuries from the rape.
The 16-year old girl was reportedly attacked, beaten and then raped by six men as she returned from her grandfather's funeral in western Kenya in June, before the gang dumped her, bleeding and unconscious, in a deep sewage ditch.
On Monday, the number of those who signed online petitions started by a Kenyan woman, Nebila Abdulmelik, and publicized by the campaign group Avaaz topped a million, and was continuing to grow.
"Letting rapists walk free after making them cut grass has to be the world's worst punishment for rape," Abdulmelik said. "It's an absolute failure of the entire system and an absolutely shameful response by Kenya's police."
The victim knew some of the attackers, and three of them were taken by villagers to the local police station, the girl's mother earlier told Kenyan media.
"The three were only ordered to cut grass around the police camp and set free shortly after," the girl's mother told the paper.
"My wish is to see justice done," the girl told The Nation newspaper, which first reported the story, and has led a campaign including raising funds to cover medical costs. "I want my attackers arrested and punished."
Lawmakers have condemned the attack and subsequent police failures, ordering action to be taken.

Gadget Spec Battle: The Apple iPad Air VS Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1

Apple has officially introduced the iPad Air, the latest generation iPad which has the most advanced specification kitchen runway. So what if compared with the most advanced Android tablet? Currently Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 Edition has become one of the fastest Android tablet. It can be seen from its classy specifications. Following is a general spec comparison between the iPad Air with the latest generation of Galaxy Note 10.1 it.

On paper the 2014 Edition Galaxy Note 10.1 does seem quite fierce, as has the number of CPU cores and more memory capacity. So it should be faster performance. Yet iPad Air also should not be underestimated, because it has brought A7 chip that already supports 64-bit command. This latest iPad processor also claimed 8 times faster than the first generation iPad. So, which one is best according to you? 

Issues with iPhone 5s as compared to Windows Pc's

Windows users must be familiar with the "Blue Screen of Death" (BSOD) aka a blue screen error message appears when the system crashes. If it were "sticking", the only way to make it back to work is by restarting. Such a thing Windows monopoly was not alone, but may also occur on the Apple iPhone 5S. As reported by The Verge, a number of users reported cases of popular smart phones when it stops working (hangs) with a blue screen and restarts by itself. Incident blue screen is presumably related to bug on the iWork application suite which is bundled with all the latest iOS devices.

      Several users have also reported that the iPhone 5S they own often do reboots itself randomly while in use before Apple released iOS 7.0 update .2 to overcome the lock screen security bug in the operating system. However, a sudden reboot problem still occurs. Users who experience this problem channeling complaints through a number of threads on Apple forums and Twitter posts. Crashes associated with iWorks reportedly can be muted by turning off iCloud sync feature for apps Pages, Keynote, and Numbers.

Conrad Murray Who was Late Micheal Jackson's Doctor has been released from Prison.

Conrad Murray who was late Michael Jackson’s doctor was sentenced to four years in prison for the charges of involuntary manslaughter and for causing the death of Michael Jackson with an overdose of the anesthetic Propofol, from the facts gathered it is safe to say that he has been released from prison.

According to reports Conrad Murray was released from the LA county jail at 12:01 am Monday morning October 28. Murray, whose medical license has been revoked, plans to apply to have his license reinstated.

This 16 Year Old Nigerian Girl based in America has been placed Among the World’s Smartest 50!!!

The Nigerian girl named, Saheela Ibraheem, whose name has been buzzing in the headlines lately as a promising talent, has reserved a place amongst “The World’s 50 Smartest Teenagers” list.

The young girl, only 16, made it to headlines earlier this year when she was accepted into Harvard University, making her one of the youngest students ever to attend that school.
Making a record in the US, Saheela was accepted at 13 other colleges, including prestigious MIT, the University of Pennsylvania, Cornell, Brown, Princeton, Columbia, and the University of Chicago.

In the end, Saheela chose Harvard, based on her seven-year-old brother’s advice who also dreams of being admitted to Harvard.
Saheela believes the key to success is knowing what you love to learn as early as possible, a knowledge she says she achieved at age five.

Saheela is also Known to be polite and humble, the Muslim prodigy said that her Nigerian parents are totally supportive of her dreams and sometimes teach her subjects that were not taught in her school.


Monday 28 October 2013

Nokia announces NEW Lumia 1520 and 1320,also the long awaited Instagram is finally coming to Windows Phone

Nokia World took place in Abu Dhabi last week where they announced two new smartphones, the Lumia 1520 and 1320. Both devices comes with six inch displays, but the 1320 won't be launching in some parts of America.

Nokia Lumia 1520
The Nokia Lumia 1520 is the newest flagship model that has internal specifications finally beating out what we see on the Android platform. Microsoft enabled this advanced hardware through its recent GDR 3 update.
                                Specifications of the Lumia 1520 include:
·         Windows Phone 8 with Update 3
·         6 inch full HD 1080p LCD, ClearBlack, super sensitive touch, Gorilla Glass 2
·         PureView 20 megapixel camera with Zeiss Optics, dual LED flash, and OIS
·         Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 (2.2GHz Quad Core)
·         2GB RAM
·         32GB internal storage and microSD card slot
·         3400 mAh (integrated) with built-in wireless charging
·         Colors: Yellow, white, black, glossy red
·         Estimate price of N120,000 with no subsidy

The larger 1080p display brings another column of Live Tiles to the Start screen. A new flip case props the 1520 up for media viewing.

On the other hand the Nokia Lumia 1320

The Lumia 1320 also has a six inch display, but it has a 720p resolution and will be priced less than the 1520. but it does come with all of the great Nokia Lumia applications and services.
The Lumia 1320 will be available in orange, yellow, white, and black with a non-subsidized price of N55,000. The market focus is China, Vietnam, India, and Europe.


New applications Like Instagram

One of the most asked about apps, Instagram, is coming to Windows Phone in a few weeks. There is already an excellent third party client, 6tag, that you can use, but it is always good to get the official app out there for consumers too.
Flipboard is also coming soon to Windows Phone. 

BlackBerry 10.2 update enhances the Z10 and Q10

    Right here is a screenshot of the blackberry priority hub which enhances your communication experience on BlackBerry 10.2.
Well personally, some of my favorite new updates and functions appearing in the BlackBerry 10.2 update include:
·         Lock screen notification previews: You can now tap on the left icon to see a preview of the first several messages, Tweets, notifications right on the lock screen. You cannot jump right to that notification though, but the preview function is handy.
·         Priority Hub: This filter is applied to BlackBerry Hub based on three factors that you can toggle on and off. It is a nice way to quickly filter through your busy communications portal.
·         Instant preview and reply: Like we saw in WebOS, notifications appear for a couple seconds at the top of your screen and then go away. For text messages and BBM you can tap on them, reply, and then go right back to what you were doing on the display.
·         Multiple alarms: I always thought it was my error in using BB10 with alarms and couldn't fathom that they limited you to a single alarm. That was the case though and now that is fixed with this update.
·         New copy/paste buttons: Since I use so many different mobile operating systems, I often confuse the copy/paste icons. These are much improved in the 10.2 update and I appreciate that.

                And the list goes on and on.

BRYMO has been asked to pay the sum of 22 MILLION NAIRA or he should remain a chocolate city artist till 2016

Well Contrary to the news circulating in the early hours of today that Chocolate City didn’t get an injunction against Brymo’s Merchants, Dealers and Slaves album and also stopping him from further recording tracks that might be released to be promoted.

Brymo said and I quote – “Pls disregard any news about an injunction on my new album M,D&S, it’s all untrue.. Just a ploy to disrupt my release as usual..”

A source at the Chocolate City re-affirmed that there is indeed an injunction against Brymo and any plan he has till he fulfills his contract with Choc city. Our source also told NaijaMp3s that Brymo has 2 albums left in his contract with Chocolate City which expires in 2016.

Brymo has been served the injunction notice and he is now wanted by the court for compromising his contract with the recording company.

The law firm consulting for Chocolate City has also included a buyout clause for Brymo which is set at 22 Million Naira. Brymo has been asked to play out his contract with Choc city or simple just activate the buyout clause of 22million Naira which was also confirmed by our source at chocolate city who confirms Choc city boss, Audu agreed to, in order to resolve the issue.

When we asked our source why Jesse Jagz wasn’t served an injunction when he released his “Thine kingdom Come” album was released; NaijaMp3s was told that Jesse’s contract with Chocolate city was over and it was easy for Jesse Jagz to quit the label without any problem.

It should be recalled that during Brymo’s press conference he told reporters that his lawyers couldn’t get him out of the problem he was in with Chocolate city and that was why he had to come out to the public.

US Republican Senator Ted Cruz apologizes for his offensive remark about Nigerians

On Monday Oct. 21st, US Republican Senator Ted Cruz told a rally that Nigerian email scammers have been hired to run the Obamacare website, and of course you trust Nigerians that they don’t take insults with open arms, so after a series of calls from a few Nigerians Senator Ted decided to apologize for what he said.
  This is the new statement he made:

              It’s unfortunate that we’re living in a time where just about every joke can be misconstrued to cause offense to someone.
To the good people of Nigeria - a beautiful nation where my wife lived briefly as the child of missionaries - no offense was intended.
I am fully appreciative of the range of mutual economic and security interests that make Nigeria an important friend to the United States.

And even to those few unscrupulous email scammers who were the subject of the joke, I apologize to you for the unfair comparison to the utterly dysfunctional Obamacare website.

Sunday 27 October 2013

Two planes involved in a minor collision at lagos airport

  According to the report we got from Punch, it has been stated that that the Turkish Airplane had landed safely but was taxiing to stop at the airport’s apron when its wing collided with that of Max Air.
The collision resulted in minor damages to both airplanes and sources said they had been taken away for repairs.
An online newspaper said the Spokesman, Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority, Mr. Fan Ndubuoke, confirmed the incident. He however said damages to the aircraft belonging to both airlines were minor and that both planes had been taken away for repairs.

A similar incident occurred last year in Jos, Plateau State, when an Arik plane wings brushed an Airforce jet parked at the apron when the plane was taxiing to stop. There was also no casualty in the incident but only damages to both planes.

Well i'm just glad it wasn't a serious collision.


Summary: The new iPad mini is an upgrade that has some significant improvements over the first generation model.

Two areas of improvement in the new iPad mini are the better processor and the Retina Display. The former should make the refreshed mini run faster than the original model and the latter should leverage the small display of the new iPad mini to maximum advantage. These two features combined should make the new iPad mini a great tablet.
   Personally i think this is a great device.

IHS:Rapidly the Smartphone, tablet factory revenue to surpass entire consumer tech market!!!

Summary: Booming smartphone and tablet sales are doing a lot more than just pushing traditional PCs to the side.

The supply chain for mobile devices alone is poised to become more valuable than factories serving the entire consumer electronics market, based on a new report from IHS iSuppli.
According to the market research firm on Friday, revenue from OEM factories worldwide that produced "media and PC tablets" and "3G/4G cellphones" (which analysts defined as " a category dominated by smartphones) will ring up to $354.3 billion by the end of 2013.
But factories for consumer tech at large are only expected to deliver $344.4 billion in revenue this year. If that happens, it would mark the first time ever that global factory revenue for mobile devices alone surpasses the rest of the spectrum.
Randy Lawson, a senior principal analyst covering semiconductors at IHS, hinted in the report that these findings shouldn't be all that surprising by remarking "sales growth for CE products has languished in the doldrums."
Just think about how many gadgets have been combined and then replaced by the smartphone: pocket cameras, handheld audio and video recorders, and MP3 players, just to name a few.